Under the radar

So I’ve landed in Eden – a small town in Victoria’s Alpine region, nestled between Bright and Harrrietville and surrounded by mountains and skiing resorts. I always thought having a sea change meant finding a place to live near the sea, but here I am… reading a brochure on the area. I’ve discovered Joyce’s Cafe – it’s the only cafe in Eden (do I want to set up a cafe? Yes, I’m trying to find myself, but I have three months to figure something out, so in the meanwhile, I’ll kick back and relax and observe the locals). The coffee is the best I’ve tasted, and that’s saying a lot. I hail from Melbourne and there’s a cafe or two in every corner. Also, I’ve traveled a bit and turned my cafes around the world photos into a coffee table book! It wasn’t my best idea or the most lucrative one, but it’s at least funding this ‘pause for a breath’ break in Eden. Oh, here comes my coffee! It’s being served with a bright smile and a curious glance at my laptop…
